Mobile website design enhances your website. Mobile website design moves your business forward.
Mobile website design creates a consistent user experience across multiple mobile devices and desktop browsers.
Make use of the latest mobile website design features on your website.
Use mobile website design for your website before your competitors do, and increase your revenue by targeting mobile traffic and therefore mobile users.
If you are still not convinced, consider the following statistics:
View this website on a mobile phone and a desktop to see that our website is presented professionally and elegantly on a mobile phone as well as a desktop.
You can also try changing the size of the browser window to size of the tablet or a mobile phone, and still see how one website caters for different mobile devices and desktops.
We provide mobile website design and development service. We specialise in developing websites which are accessible through media devices (e.g., mobile and tablets) and browsers without duplicating the effort. By using HTML5 boilerplate and clever bootstrapping provided by twitter, you can build cross-platform, cross-browser and cross-device websites quickly and make use of HTML5 features. With our service, your customers get the consistent user experience across multiple channels using Responsive Web Design (RWD).
Let a team headed by an intellectual Chartered IT Professional, who has graduated from a top 10 UK university, design and develop your website. Why go to cowboys who are not even qualified to do the job? If you had a medical problem, you would go to a qualified doctor. If you had a legal problem, you would go to a qualified lawyer. So, why settle for second best when it comes to the development of your website? Contact us so we can develop your web presence professionally.
HTML5 provides an easy to use form validation. There is no need to write complex JavaScript functions to validate form data.
HTML5 offers a straight forward way to embed a video on a web page. You can change the size of the video with ease.
Detect what HTML5 features your browser can support using Modernizr and decide which missing features need to be back filled.